
Post date: 2010/11/1 上午 05:01:26

先前的一則新聞報導,因為美國FDA的介入,生產基因重組甲促素的藥廠 (中文是『試諾進』),可能得延遲供藥,近期將有缺藥的問題,預計至少持續到2010年11月中!


New Global shortage of Thyrogen through mid-November

New Global shortage of Thyrogen® through mid-November Genzyme Corporation (Cambridge, MA), currently under a consent decree with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regarding manufacturing issues of several products including Thyrogen®, is experiencing a new delay in its product release. This delay will affect the supply of Thyrogen® both in the US and globally such that it is unlikely that Thyrogen® will be available for use starting immediately. Healthcare providers and patients should therefore plan accordingly. The duration of the shortage is uncertain; however, the current best estimate is that it will last through mid-November. It may be advisable to not schedule use of Thyrogen® until product is confirmed to be available through your normal method of obtaining Thyrogen®. Additional information will be provided as it becomes available.


以往接受放射碘治療病患為了提升血中甲促素需採用停止甲狀腺素四星期的方法,但並不是每一位病患都可以忍受停用甲狀腺素所產生的副作用,由於科技的進步,利用基因工程的方法,目前已經可以合成生長素,針對罹患缺血性心臟病,或腎臟、肺部功能不佳的人,停服甲狀腺素可能使病情惡化者,可改用注射人工合成甲促素,再服用放射性碘。患者在不停用甲狀腺素之下,接受注射0.9mg 基因重組人類甲促素,隔天再注射一次(共兩劑),第三天即可服用放射性碘131。對照傳統需停藥四個星期,若接受基因重組人類甲促素的注射,可以不用停止服用甲狀腺素,維持甲狀腺的功能,減少副作用產生,除此,使用基因重組人類甲促素,也可以提高放射性碘的清除率,減少放射碘在其他正常組織積存所產生的輻射傷害,患者也因此可以減少放射碘在全身積累的輻射劑量。


The American Thyroid Association (ATA) is the lead organization in promoting thyroid health and understanding thyroid biology. The ATA values scientific inquiry, clinical excellence, public service, education, collaboration, and collegiality.

A non-profit medical society founded in 1923, the ATA fulfills its mission through supporting excellence and innovation in research, clinical care, education, and public health. ATA members are physicians and scientists who work to enhance the understanding of thyroid physiology and pathophysiology, improve the diagnosis and treatment of thyroid diseases, and promote the education of physicians, patients, and the public about thyroid disorders.