2009-01-20 RECIST 改版了
Post date: 2009/1/21 上午 02:50:02
ScienceDaily (Jan. 20, 2009) — The first, formal revision of specific guidelines, known as RECIST, used by clinicians to measure tumour size and response to treatment, has been published January 20 in a special issue of the European Journal of Cancer (the official journal of ECCO – the European CanCer Organisation).
RECIST 是臨床試驗常用的影像追蹤條件,日前在最近一期的 European Journal of Caner 做了新的改版報告! 希望對新的臨床試驗提供更簡便的評估方式!
Adapted from materials provided by The European CanCer Organisation (ECCO),
原始來源: ScienceDaily (Jan. 20, 2009)
原始論文: Response assessment in solid tumours (RECIST): Version 1.1 and supporting papers. European Journal of Cancer, Vol 45, issue 2 (January 2009), pages 225-310